
Sweater (J.Crew – ON SALE) | Jeans (Gap)

Happy 2019, everyone! I seriously don’t know where 2018 went, but I’m feeling excited and motivated for what’s to come this year. I have a feeling it is going to be a good one. Every year, I document my New Year’s resolutions and yearly goals to keep myself accountable. In 2018, I was all about feeling confident and not saying sorry for things I cannot control. In 2017, it was all about embracing change. While both of these resolutions helped me gain perspective in my professional and personal life, this year I’m looking to be a bit more tactical.

Overall, the theme of my goals is to have more fun this year. Working a full-time job, running a part-time blog, and owning ThePreppyMAG Boutique, it is VERY easy to let work overcome my life and miss out on all of the things that 26-year-olds should be doing. This doesn’t mean I don’t have professional goals, it just means I’m re-prioritizing a bit to optimize for happiness.

Below are 5 goals that I hope to achieve over the next year.

1| Travel Often. There is nothing that makes me feel more refreshed and inspired than traveling and while it definitely takes up precious time that I could be working on new projects and collaborations, I find it essential for my mental health and happiness. In 2018, I traveled to 2 new countries (United Kingdom and Canada) and 3 countries in total (+Bahamas) and I’m hoping to achieve that same ratio in 2019!

2| Establish a Productive Morning Routine. Working late hours means that I move a little slower in the morning and roll out of bed jusssttt in time for a quick shower before work. This year, I really want to work towards establishing a routine that makes me feel productive before 9 AM. For starters, instead of pushing off my blog work to after 6-7p, I want to do at least one thing for my blog before 9a, which means I’ll definitely need to wake up a little bit earlier! Hopefully this will result in more time after work to spend time with friends and explore new places in the city.

3| Run a 5K. Is this lame? I know a 5K really isn’t that hard, but I’m seriously the WORST runner and I’ve never had any concrete fitness goals, so would love to give this one a try. I’m not focused on loosing weight or ‘getting fit,’ just looking to set a goal that I’m 100% in control of and achieve it. How does this relate to fun, you ask? I’m looking to recruit some of my friends and family to run it with me this summer.

4| Delegate more. Professionally AND personally! I take so much on sometimes and it can be VERY overwhelming. From obvious things like running my business to inessential things like volunteering to be on the board of my sorority alumnae chapter. While these are all things that I truly want to be a part of and enjoy to it’s full potential, sometimes I’m spread way too thin and they feel more like chores. This year, I want to focus on how I can still be a part of these things that bring joy to my life but delegate a bit better so I’m not overwhelmed.

5| Grow my blog. This is the one that I’m the most hesitant to put in writing. 😳  This industry can be so freaking discouraging and down-right uninspiring sometimes, but it also my creative outlet and helps me pursue my dreams to be an entrepreneur (and candidly, what I believe to be my true purpose in this life). This year, I’m re-focusing on my blog content and how it can provide value (educate, entertain, etc.) to my readers.

My single source of inspiration and motivation is my amazing readers, so please share your personal goals and resolutions below. i’d love to hear them!