
Just when you think winter is almost through, we hit the transition season. The few weeks where it’s not THAT cold, but also not THAT warm. You don’t know what kind of jacket to wear, every where you go is too hot or too cold, and you feel like each day is a different season in itself. If you are anything like me, this is when you tend to catch a cold.

This past weekend, the cold hit. Of course, it is always on a weekend, the only time you may have for your passion project or the only time you have to spend with family and friends. Does anyone else ever feel like you always get sick at the worst possible time?

I should have expected it after the unusually warm week we had last week, but my Friday crashed with a night on the couch, tissues a plenty and of course some NyQuil. However, I still had a chock-full weekend of family commitments, blog work and prepping for another busy work week. After how quickly I was able to nurse myself back to health (kinda) I wanted to share a few tips on how you can save your sick days.

1| Medicate Responsibly: If you can use NyQuil, DayQuil or other cold and flu medications I HIGHLY recommend it. Once you take your dosage you may not be fully cured, but you’ll at least start feeling better and more productive. I don’t know about you, but one of the reasons I HATE being sick is because I’m so damn unproductive. If you take something like NyQuil or DayQuil your headache will be relieved, you’ll stop sneezing for a little while, and you can finally focus on getting something done (even if it is just chores around the house).

2| Wake Up Early: This is hands-down the hardest tip for me to follow myself. When I’m sick, all I want to do is sleep and cuddle, but waking up early gets you out of that sick cloud before you need to start commuting to work or thinking about something other than yourself. It is hard, but try to take at least one full hour to yourself before getting ready for work. I find it helpful to transfer from my bed to the couch, maybe watch some Good Morning America and wake up a little bit. Over the weekend, I knew I had to head out to Connecticut by 10 AM, so I was up and making coffee by 7:30. 🙊

3| Stay Home. If Tom is reading this he is probably LOLing. He is the biggest proponent of the WFH (working from home). Even though I think I’m more productive in the office, if I’m sick it is SO worth staying home. Especially if you have the flexibility to work from home. There is just something about being in your own home, you can cough as loud as you want, you don’t have to be embarrassed by your sniffles or uncomfortable in work clothes. If you can swing it, WFH!

Okay, so I hope you don’t have to use these tips, but with the weather warming up and winter coming to a close we know the sniffles are only inevitable. Stay healthy!

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