How is everyone doing? Can you believe we’ve been doing this WFH thing for over eight months? At least that’s where we are at here in New York. The last few months have been crazed with new routines and trying to crack what everyone’s calling ‘the new normal’ but honestly, I think I JUSTTT figured mine out (spoiler: it involves the delicious new noosa fruit smoothies).

At the beginning of the year, I made a resolution to refresh my morning routine, and back in March, I pretty much wrote that resolution off and decided to try again next year. With eight months under my belt and moving out of my parents’ house and back into the city (after living with them for 5 months), I’m finally starting to make some progress against this resolution, and it’s becoming my favorite version of my morning routine of all-time.

For background, I’ve NEVER been much of a morning person. I’ll forever be a night owl at heart but with an extra few minutes in the morning without having to commute, the morning hours have become some of my favorites. For years, my mornings have always felt rushed. Hitting snooze multiple times, catching the latest possible train, grabbing whatever was clean to wear and at an arm’s length, and ordering my coffee-to-go. So in this refreshed morning routine, I prioritize one thing and one thing only, allowing time to breathe.

My Morning Routine

7:30 AM: I know this is later than the norm but as I mentioned I’m a night owl and I’m aiming for realistic consistency. The first thing I do is head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and my morning skincare routine. That can be an entire blog post in itself, so I won’t spend too much time here but the core products I focus on in the morning are cleanser, vitamin C serum, and moisturizer.

7:45 AM: Next, I head to the fridge and grab one of noosa yoghurt’s new fruit smoothies. noosa fruit smoothies come in single-serve bottles making them super grabbale and in four delicious flavors– strawberry, mixed berry, strawberry banana, and mango. My personal fave is the strawberry banana because it is delicious and a pretty good source of protein with 5 grams but you really can’t go wrong with any of them.

7:50 AM: I take my noosa fruit smoothie and grab little Duncan and embark on our morning walk, which is SO much less stressful knowing I’m not against a clock. Duncan and I walk for about 15-20 minutes along the Battery Park esplanade and if he is lucky we make a pit stop at the dog park for some pup socialization.

8:15 AM: Once we’re back from our walk, Duncan has a hilarious habit of jumping right back into bed for snuggles and I’d be lying if I said I DIDN’T indulge a little and snuggle him for 5 or so minutes.

8:20 AM: After I have to rip myself away Duncan, I pour him some food and re-fill his water bowl and take a few toys out from his toy bin for him to play with for the day. I try to mix it up with what toys I choose each day so he doesn’t get bored while Tom and I are working all day. This is also when I turn on a podcast to listen to while I finish up my morning chores (emptying the dishwasher from the night before, re-filling ice trays so I can make iced coffee for a mid-day treat, etc.). My go-to podcasts lately have been Bad on Paper, Be There In Five, Absolutely Not, Fohrcast, and of course my little sister’s TalkingAtTiffany’s.

8:45 AM: After an hour since waking up, I’m finally ready to sit down at my desk and start the day. With 15 minutes to spare before the rest of my team comes alive, I like to catch up on what’s going on in the world. I ease into the workday by starting with some light reading– catching up with my favorite influencer content and indulging in TV recaps from shows that were on the night before. I end with some of the heavier stuff that may or may not impact my work for the day by digging into what’s trending on Twitter and reading theSkimm to understand the most important and timely current events of the day.

9:00 AM: By 9 AM I’m ready to start the day and get cracking! I try to stay off email until 10 AM (bonus if I can make it to 11 AM) to focus and get the hottest task off my plate ASAP. This always puts me at ease and makes me way more nimble throughout the day.

Since revamping my morning routine I’ve been 1000% more productive and less stressed. In fact, I feel like it has helped improve my work-life balance overall because instead of rushing and showing up to work frazzled, I start work from a place of contentment, which makes me much more productive and focused throughout the day. So much so that I’ve been logging off of work around 6:30 PMish, whereas my days were ending around 8 PMish when I was back in the office.

A big part of this is because for the first time EVER, I’m having breakfast consistently. Since I was always rushing, I never made time for breakfast (unless I was hungover). Even for something as easy as noosa fruit smoothies. These smoothies have been such a game-changer for me. As I mentioned this little change has given me so much more energy throughout the day. Find noosa fruit smoothies near you.