
It’s Sunday, which means it is #SkincareSunday here on ThePreppyMAG! AND it’s a 3-day weekend Skincare Sunday, which makes it even better. In case you haven’t been following along, Skincare Sunday started a few weeks ago and it is a series where I try a new skincare product once a week and determine if it makes it into my everyday skincare routine. As someone who has never really dedicated much time to her skincare routine, I’ve been loving discovering new products and learning their benefits. Not to mention that my skin has been GLOWING since spending a little bit more time pampering it.

Today, we’re talking about Jan Marini skincare. This is a new brand to me, but word on the street is that it is one of Meghan Markle’s favorites! 😱 When it comes to skincare, Jan Marini’s mission is to not only provide people with a product that maintains healthy skin, but also prevents wrinkles/aging.

For this post, I tried two of Jan Marini’s products. The first being C-ESTA Face Serum and the second being their Antioxidant Daily Face Protectant SPF. See below for a little bit about what I’m loving and the product watch outs.

What I Love: If you are a planner like I am, these two products are basically all you need to plan for flawless skin in your future. After using these two products for just a few weeks, I’ve already noticed a difference in some of the places that I have laugh lines or crow’s feet. As mentioned last week, I’m pretty new to serums, but I love how this one is paired with a sunscreen (a skincare product that I usually go without 😳). Usually I only wear sunscreen when I’m on the beach, but this one is totally wearable for everyday life. It is super hydrating and lightweight making it perfect to wear with your daily make-up routine.

The Watch Outs: Now, I’m definitely not an expert in serums, but this one feels a bit sticky to me. For the few serums that I have used, I like when they are luscious and almost have a dry oil feel to them. This one, while the smell is amazing feels a bit watery and harder to apply.


Have any favorite skincare products that I need to try? Would love to hear your favorites in the comments below.