
Jacket (Adidas) | Pants (Adidas) | Sneakers (Chanel)

Hello! It’s been a minute. šŸ˜‰Ā Ā I’m sure I’m not the only one who has been running on fumes as I try to keep up with my New Year’s resolutions as things at work and life pick-up for the year, so IĀ  wanted to share a quick rundown of how I’m staying motivated this winter.

First things first, it is not easy. At all! I’m barely doing it and add below-freezing temps and getting up and going to the gym can be nearly impossible. šŸ™ˆ However, I’ve made recent tweaks to my routine to make it theĀ tiniestĀ bit easier.

1| Feel your best.Ā I don’t know if it is just an NYC thing, but what you wear to the gym or fitness class can sometimes be straight-up stressful. With everyone wearing designer workout clothes šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø, sometimes I can feelĀ uncomfortable being “THAT GIRL’ wearing the old sorority t-shirt . This is why at the beginning of the year I invested in aĀ bunch of AdidasĀ athleisure to ensure that ‘what I’m wearing’ was the last thing holding me back from a new fitness class or run in the park.

2| Plan your week.Ā If you don’t plan your workouts, I can almost guarantee that you will allocate your time elsewhere. Every Sunday I look at my week and my workload and plan when I’m going to workout (IN PEN!). I also use an app called ‘Done’ to keepĀ me accountable and track my habits over time. It is super easy to use and after a while you don’t want to see a dip in your graphs so you force yourself to get up and hit the gym.


3| Have a soundtrack to look forward to.Ā Recently, I’ve moved almost completely away from music when I work out and towards podcasts. I always save a podcast that I’m really looking forward to for my workout. Almost like a little reward for myself for getting to the gym or heading out for a run. When choosing my workout podcast, I almost always look for one that A) tells a good story (so it’s hard to rush) and B) may be irrelevant shortly (so it’s hard to push off to another day).

4| Kicks that work for you.Ā From dancing for YEARS, my feet are actually super abnormal and even a light workout and make them throb. That is why the perfect pair of kicks are super important in actually getting me up and to the gym. Right now, I have my eye on a pink pair (please refer back to #1) and think this Adidas pair just might be the pair I splurge on.

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While I hope this roundup keeps you inspired this season, I partly wrote this to keep myself motivated and accountable. So let’s hope we make it through cold + darkĀ FebruaryĀ together.Ā šŸ™ŒĀ  Share how you are staying motivated this winter in the comments below. šŸ‘‡