
Coat (Gap) | Bodysuit (J.Crew) | Jeans (Gap) | Bag (Michael Kors) | Belt (Lilly Pulitzer)

Happy Monday! It is our first full week of 2019 and I’m ready to CRUSH it. 👊  I have 5 blog posts lined up for all of you lovelies 👩🏻‍💻,, 2 fitness classes 💪🏻 , and of course some exciting projects ramping up at work! 🙌  While last week I felt exhausted, this week I’m feeling motivated and ready to make shit happen.

As I kicked off 2019 and started to think about my vision for my business as well as my personal purpose, I started to think of all of the people who impacted my 2018. Way too often we reflect on the successes or learnings of a year but fail to recognize the people who really made the things that brought you happiness, success, achievement happen. Whether you are a blogger who owns their own business, a corporate hustler or a student, I know there are a ton of people who are associated with your success and if you disagree I’m going to call a huge BS!

This year, I’m really focusing on nurturing my community and keeping my supporters close. Not only do I want to thank them for their support, advocacy and contribution to my life, but I also want to build them up support them just as much as they’ve support me. Here are a few ways that I plan on supporting my supporters:

1| Simply Say Thank You. This year, instead of sending holiday cards, I sent 2019 New Year cards as a ‘Thank You’ from the Paperless Post. I’m sending these to everyone who brought me happiness, confidence and success in 2018. This can be anyone from a co-worker who kept you going on the hardest days, to blog readers that consistently read, engage and support, to publicists who took a chance to work with ThePreppyMAG in 2018. I just want to make sure they know how appreciated their support truly is and how it was essential to the 2018 that I was lucky to have. Thankfully, the Paperless Post is SUPER easy to use. All you need to do is make an account, choose a design that you L-O-V-E (a few of my favorites: Poppy New Year 2019, Hubble, New Year’s Toast), customize your message, input the email addresses of all of the people you are thankful for in 2018 and send! Lucky for you, I’m giving away 1000 coins to use on Paperless Post (which is basically $100 to use on the site!) so you can send your own thank you cards to a very lucky reader

a Rafflecopter giveaway

2| Show Up. Possibly the best way to thank those who have supported you over the last year is supporting them wholeheartedly right back. This means showing up for them. If they also have a blog, be sure to stop by once and while, leave a comment and give them that encouragement that you so appreciated. If they are in a show, teaching a class, opening their own business or just need a friend to talk to, show the fuck up and support them because you’ve been there and they supported you. It’s just the right thing to do TBH!

3| Keep In Touch. Of course, sometimes it is hard to show up. Maybe you live in another city or that person doesn’t necessarily have something for you to ‘show up’ to. If this is the case, be sure to just keep in touch. This could be as easy as sending a quick text saying, ‘Hi! Saw you just got home from an amazing trip in Europe. Would love to grab a drink and hear about it.’ That little text can turn into something BIG. Whether it be a new business endeavor or just a dedicated Instagram liker, that strong connection is sure to pay you back 10-fold. My personal favorite way to ‘Keep In Touch’ is through Instagram DMs. Whenever I see something that one of my friends, co-workers, mentors, etc. would like I send it to them with something like, ‘This Made Me Think of You!’

Of course, some of the most impactful people in my 2018 were all of YOU. You consistently show up and support this little project of mine and I could not be more thankful and appreciative of that. So, THANK YOU! Please let me know if any of you are ever launching a blog of your own or launching a new project of some sort because I would LOVE to ‘show up’ for you. Until then, I’m happy we have this little space of the internet to ‘keep in touch.’ Now, go enter to win those Paperless Post coins, it’s basically free money! 💸