Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a lovely and safe holiday. After being up in Vermont for a few days, I’m back, recharged and ready to kick off the year.
I know there are some mixed feelings about setting resolutions this year and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have second thoughts myself but I think if 2020 taught us anything, it is to have a plan but be ready to pivot. So, while yes, I’ve set resolutions, I’m not being as rigorous with them as I have in the past.
Below are 5 resolutions I’m aiming to work on throughout the year. I know they may not be all be feasible (peep #1), but I’m ready to do my best.
1|Travel mostly near + maybe far. So this is definitely one that is easier said than done given our pandemic circumstances but if you are a long-time follower, you know how much travel means to me and how it is a central source of happiness and fulfillment for me. Usually I try to visit (3) new countries a year and in 2020, I visited (0). My expecations to live this resolution are pretty low as I don’t even think I’ll make it to any countries outside the U.S. but I do want to try to take a few roadtrip long weekends to get my fix. A few destinations on my radar — Gurney’s Montauk this summer is a must, would love to hit up Ocean House or Castle Hill Inn in Newport, and the White Elephant on Nantucket. Fingers crossed that I feel comfortable with air travel come Fall.
2|Stop the comparison torture. I have an AWFUL habit of comparing myself to others. Whether it be on social media, my friends, my family, etc., I always fall victim to the awful comparison game. It doesn’t come from a place where I want to be better than or like anyone other than myself but more so a place of always wanting to better myself and I look to those around me for that inspiration. However, this mindset can be incredibly unhealthy when those around me are in different seasons of life than me so this year, I’m going to try to be more mindful of this tentency and correct it ASAP.
3|Make fitness + health a habit. 2020 taught us that health must be our #1 priority because we never know when a little misstep could have a big impact. In addition to working out and eating better more regularly (not even going to commit to everyday 😂), I want to be better at taking care of myself. I finally want to get to all of those doctor’s appointments I’ve put off since before COVID hit and maintain a healthy appointment cadence.
4|Re-invest in the blog. Throughout 2020, the blog DEFINITELY took a backseat. With so many changes happening in my professional and personal life, I just couldn’t find the motivation at the end of the day to write that post, pitch that brand or take that Instagram post. Not to mention that I didn’t feel comfortable meeting up with my regular photographers until late November and December. That being said, I’m not ready to give up on this passion project just yet and I’m all in this year!
5|Read at least 20 books. I’ve always loved reading but my increased reading habits in 2020 was truly resorative. Even before COVID hit, I started to read more and it left me feeling way more relaxed and once the COVID anxiety settled in, it was the only way I could truly unplug from work and the world around us. Last year, I read 15 books and this year, I’m upping it to 20! More to come on what’s on my reading list.
So there you have it. Those are my 5 resolutions for 2021. They may change every month or even every day but I’m ready for the crazy ride.