Happy Saturday! I hope you are kicking off a very relaxing long weekend. I’m still quarantining on Long Island, but it is nice to unplug for an extra day or two and recoup a bit from how stressful life has been over the last few weeks.
It’s been such a crazy time, that I only just had a chance to try that whipped coffee trend you’ve seen all over TikTok. After trying to perfect the recipe for over an hour, I was starting to think that it was a HUGE waste of time. Until I figured out the most PERFECT hack that only took 10 mins.
Below is my recipe and hacks to whip this delicious baby up in only a few minutes.
Ingredients: Serves (2)
- 2 teaspoons of instant coffee. I used Maxwell House.
- 2 teaspoons of sugar.
- 2 teaspoons of hot water.
- 2 cup of vanilla almond milk. I used Unsweetened Almond Breeze.
- 1 cup of ice
- Combine the instant coffee, sugar and hot water. The water should be hot enough to dissolve the sugar almost immediately. I put a mug of water into the microwave for about 4 minutes before combining it with the coffee and sugar.
- At this point, most recipes that you’ve seen on TikTok and Pinterest will tell you to either a) whip the mixture using a whisk or fork, b) pull out the electric mixer or c) get your handheld milk frother ready. I for one, don’t have an electric mix or a handheld milk frother and I learned that the whisk/fork method took well over 20 minutes before seeing any sort of results. MAJOR GAME-CHANGING HACK: put the mixture into a water bottle or any sort of container with a secure cap. I literally used a clean Poland Spring water bottle.
- After shaking up the mixer for about 5 minutes it will start to have a thicker consistency and the more you shake the thicker it will get. I recommend shaking until it looks like the consistency of cool whip.
- Pour two glasses of milk with a lot of ice, like if you think it’s too much, it’s not enough. The cup should be about 3/4 full. Many recipes call for whole milk or heavy cream, but given the amount of sugar already in the mixture, I was looking for a lighter option so I went for vanilla almond milk.
- Split the whipped coffee mixture into two and top off the two glasses of almond milk. Many of the beautiful photos you see on the internet (like the one below) shows the drink unmixed, but for optimal tastiness, I recommend mixing the whipped coffee into the almond milk.
This recipe tastes like a coffee milkshake and is certainly a treat if you’re craving your favorite coffee treats from Starbucks or Dunkin!
If I’m being honest, I definitely didn’t think I’d ever make whipped coffee again as I whipped the mixture for 20+ minutes, until I thought of the water bottle hack. Now, I’m already planning on making this little treat again this morning and may get fancy with different toppings like cocoa powder or cinnamon. 😂 Enjoy!