
Coat (Old Navy) | Scarf (Marley Lilly) | Leggings (Victoria’s Secret) | Boots (L.L,Bean)

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It’s Monday and if you are an East Coaster, you may had to battle a storm that looked a lot like this, on Saturday. My Saturday was spent snuggling on the couch and eating Cinnamon Rolls, basically the best way to spend any snow day. We did however, venture outside to take a glimpse of the magical NYC in the snow! After braving the arguably worst part of the storm, around 3 PM, we arrived in Central Park and it was indeed wonderful.

It was so amazing to see how serene yet alive the city was. Though there were rarely any cars on the street, the streets were filled with excited New Yorkers taking in the worst snow storm they’ve seen in years. Once we made it to Central Park, after being blasted with snow and hail, I loved watching how New Yorkers found paradise and community. Parents built snowmen with their kids and young professionals instigated snowball fights, it was truly amazing to watch!

After two years living in NYC, making my way though the busy streets and closing down our favorite bars, I didn’t feel like a true New Yorker until this moment. I felt home.
