Student Life

I’ve been here for a month, and I’ve already found my home. I’m not talking about my college—though I wouldn’t feel right anywhere else—I’m talking about my sorority, Alpha Delta Pi. I went through recruitment with a relatively open mind, though as the week went on I was pretty sure where I was meant to […]

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As we start back into a new school year (or maybe your first year on campus!), it’s important to make new friends and find people that you can rely on throughout the year. Your old friends are great, of course, but the best part about college is that you’re always meeting people! You can really […]

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Thought Couture for the PreppyMag Transitioning from high school to university can be a hard adjustment, especially in terms of how to relate to your classmates. We’re used to classes of 20-30 students, and when we arrive in college, we’re thrust into a world of 500 student lecture halls and participation marks based on a […]

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